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Laura Picavez

Laura Picavez advises and assists companies and local authorities, individuals, and associations on environmental law, urban planning law, and energy law.

Areas of practice

After her first collaboration within a law firm specialising in environmental and energy law, Laura Picavez joined Atmos Avocats in July 2021.

She also has several professional experiences, particularly at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris.

She has expertise in the following fields:
  • Environmental law (environmental authorisations, ICPE, biodiversity, GMOs, polluted sites and soils)
  • Urban planning law (urban planning permits, urban planning documents, audits)
  • Waste law (circular economy, eco-organisations, EPR channels)
  • Energy law (wind, solar, geothermal, methanization, biogas, hydro-electricity)
Laura Picavez play an active role in litigation (appeals and litigation), consulting (consultations, drafting and proofreading of contracts) and lobbying (drafting of parliamentary amendments).

She regularly conferences on current environmental law issues and is the author of several articles published in specialised journals.

She teaches industrial environmental law in an engineering school (CFSA Hubert Curien - Bourges).


She is a graduate of the Master 1 "Public Law, Environment and Sustainable Development" (2015) and of the Master 2 "Environmental Law" (2016) of the Universities of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris II Panthéon-Assas. There, she had the opportunity to write a research paper under the supervision of Mr François-Guy Trébulle on "the evolution of the notion of interest to act in environmental litigation".

Holder of the CAPA, she was sworn in on December 21, 2018, before the Paris Court of Appeal.

Laura Picavez speaks English and Spanish.

Contact Laura Picavez

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